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Our School

STEAM Innovation

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Through this program students have the freedom to think critically, creatively, and innovatively, as well as opportunities to fail and try again in safe environments. 

PLTW Distinguished School


No Place For Hate




Our students participate in hands-on problem-based STEM activities that promote critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and collaboration. 


Project Lead The Way



Students competing at the First Lego League Competition

We offer a variety of activities including our coding and robotics opportunities for K-5 students. Students get to learn about teamwork, leadership, and social skills while learning STEM concepts.


Check out our clubs




Female Talbott Student Drawing

We believe in creating the best climate possible for students to learn and achieve.  We employ Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Restorative Practices to identify processes and practices that support positive behavior. 

Learn more about PBIS


School Resources